Data warehousing and data mining: A case study


  • Milija Suknović University of Belgrade - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Milutin Čupić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Milan Martić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Darko Krulj Trizon Group, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro



decision support systems, data mining, data warehouse, MOLAP, regression trees, CART


This paper shows design and implementation of data warehouse as well as the use of data mining algorithms for the purpose of knowledge discovery as the basic resource of adequate business decision making process. The project is realized for the needs of Student's Service Department of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FOS), University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. This system represents a good base for analysis and predictions in the following time period for the purpose of quality business decision-making by top management. Thus, the first part of the paper shows the steps in designing and development of data warehouse of the mentioned business system. The second part of the paper shows the implementation of data mining algorithms for the purpose of deducting rules, patterns and knowledge as a resource for support in the process of decision making.


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