Application of Electre III and DEA methods in the BPR of a bank branch network


  • Xenofon Damaskos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Civil Engineering Department - Division of Transport, Infrastructure, Management and Regional Planning, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Glykeria Kalfakakou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Civil Engineering Department - Division of Transport, Infrastructure, Management and Regional Planning, Thessaloniki, Greece



classification, ranking, efficiency, ELECTRE methods, Data Envelopment Analysis, banking


Operational research methodologies are a powerful tool assisting managers in their effort to critically review business data and decide on future business actions. This paper presents the application of Electre multi-criteria methodology and Data Envelopment Analysis, as a part of a small commercial bank's ongoing effort to reengineer its branch network. We focus on two particular problems: first, categorization of the branches so as to apply adequate equivalent organizational schemas and second the assessment of relative efficiency of human resources.


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