Fuzzy approach to business improvement of holding equipment in the conditions of decreased production range


  • Branko Tadić Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac
  • Danijela Tadić Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac
  • Nenad Marjanović Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac




assembled and disassembled equipment, fuzzy ABC method, fuzzy data


In recent years, manufacturing industry has been characterized by a decreased production range and a demand for a rapid change of production programs. In such conditions holding equipment costs are considerably larger. In this paper, we review and analyze possible ways of business improvement concerning holding equipment in specific production conditions characterized by the decreased production range and lack of financial sources for applying systems of assembled and disassembled equipment. Classification of elements and group of elements of those systems is performed by applying a new fuzzy ABC method presented in this paper. Selected optimization criteria describe the performance measures of elements and group of elements of assembled and disassembled equipment whereas their relative weights are not the same. It is assumed that the values of imprecise optimization criteria and their relative weights are described by discrete fuzzy numbers. The developed procedure is illustrated by an example with real input data.


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