The truncated Hyper-Poisson queues: Hk/Ma,b/C/N with balking, reneging and general bulk service rule


  • A.I. Shawky Girls College of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • M.S. El-Paoumy Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt



Hyper-Poisson queues, balking, reneging, general bulk service rule


The aim of this paper is to derive the analytical solution of the queue: Hk/Ma,b/C/N with balking and reneging in which (I) units arrive according to a hyper-Poisson distribution with k independent branches, (II) the queue discipline is FIFO; and (III) the units are served in batches according to a general bulk service rule. The steady-state probabilities, recurrence relations connecting various probabilities introduced are found and the expected number of units in the queue is derived in an explicit form. Also, some special cases are obtained. .


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