The construction of the firm's performance evaluation model on outsourcing activities: Application of the fuzzy synthesis


  • Chaang Kung-Yung Department of International Business, National Taichung University, Taiwan
  • Tzung-Ming Yan Department of Insurance, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan



performance evaluation model, outsourcing activities, fuzzy synthesis judge


The purpose of this study is to apply Fuzzy Synthesis Judge to set up a model of performance evaluation criterion used to assess the quality of enterprise's outsourcing management. This study adopts means of literature review and expert-based interviews to contribute to an adequate evaluation criteria used to measure the performance of outsourcing activities. In terms of data collection and analysis, the participants consist of experts in aviation industry. By means of questionnaire distribution to experts, the data analysis is applied with fuzzy synthesis judge to examine the weight value. Consequently, this study utilizes fuzzy synthesis judge to qualify the performance evaluation and determine the optimal model used to examine the efficiency of outsourcing management. This study offers a model of evaluation criterion which makes it possible for enterprises to make the best outsourcing performance.


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