Optimisation of production machine scheduling using a two level mixed optimisation method


  • Rana Commander Anil Indian Navy, India
  • Ajit Verma Indian Institute of Technology, Powaii, India
  • A.S. Srividya Indian Institute of Technology, Powaii, India




multi-objective optimization, genetic algorithm


This paper presents an application of a two level mixed optimization method on a machine scheduling problem of a government owned machine shop. Where evolutionary algorithm methods are suitable for solving complex, discrete space, and non-linear, discontinuous optimization problems; classical direct-search optimization methods are suitable and efficient in handling simple unimodal problems requiring less computation. Both methods are used at two levels, the first level decides which machines to be used for the machining operations and how much overtime (at extra cost) to be allotted to each work order, the second level decides for which operation and on which day the overtime should be allotted so as to attain its maximum benefit. A sample problem has been solved by using the above methods and a range of non-dominated solutions have been presented in a tabular form to enable the production manager to choose his options based on the given criticality of the work order.


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