Dijkstra's interpretation of the approach to solving a problem of program correctness


  • Branko Markoski Technical Faculty, "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin
  • Petar Hotomski Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin
  • Dušan Malbaški Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute of Computing and Control, Novi Sad
  • Danilo Obradović Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute of Computing and Control, Novi Sad




Dijkstra, denotative interpretation, predicate, terminate, operator.


Proving the program correctness and designing the correct programs are two connected theoretical problems, which are of great practical importance. The first is solved within program analysis, and the second one in program synthesis, although intertwining of these two processes is often due to connection between the analysis and synthesis of programs. Nevertheless, having in mind the automated methods of proving correctness and methods of automatic program synthesis, the difference is easy to tell. This paper presents denotative interpretation of programming calculation explaining semantics by formulae φ and ψ, in such a way that they can be used for defining state sets for program P.


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