On-line computation and maximum-weighted hereditary subgraph problems


  • Marc Demange ESSEC Business School, Bucharest, Romania
  • Bernard Kouakou Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
  • Eric Soutif CEDRIC, CNAM, Paris, France




On-line algorithms, hereditary property, independent set, competitive ratio


In this paper1 we study the on-line version of maximum-weighted hereditary subgraph problems. In our on-line model, the final instance (a graph with n vertices) is revealed in t clusters, 2 ≤ t ≤ n . We first focus on an on-line version of the maximumweighted hereditary subgraph problem. Then, we deal with the particular case of the independent set problem. We are interested in two types of results: the competitive ratio guaranteed by the on-line algorithm and hardness results that account for the difficulty of the problems and for the quality of algorithms developed to solve them.


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