An empirical study on assessing optimal type of distribution park: Applying fuzzy multicriteria Q-analysis method


  • Kuo-Liang Lee Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan
  • Shu-Chen Lin Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan



international distribution park, evaluation criteria, fuzzy MCQA method, grade classification method


In this paper, through an empirical study it is explored how respondents viewed suitable modes on locations for developing a distribution park. A fuzzy multiple criteria Q-analysis (MCQA) method is used to empirically evaluate location development for suitable types of international distribution park. The fuzzy MCQA method integrates MCQA, a fuzzy measure method and a fuzzy grade classification method. This improves the constraints evaluated by decision-makers, resulting in an explicit result value for each criterion to be evaluated, greatly decreasing the complexity of the evaluation process and preserving the advantages of the traditional MCQA method.


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