An annotated bibliography of combined routing and loading problems
vehicle routing, loading, two-dimensional packing, three-dimensional packing, traveling salesman, pickup and deliveryAbstract
Transportation problems involving routing and loading at the same time are currently a hot topic in combinatorial optimization. The interest of researchers and practitioners is motivated by the intrinsic difficulty of this research area, which combines two computationally hard problems, and by its practical relevance in important real world applications. This annotated bibliography aims at collecting, in a systematic way, the most relevant results obtained in the area of vehicle routing with loading constraints, with the objective of stimulating further research in this promising area.References
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M.A. Alba Martínez, J.-F. Cordeau, M. Iori, and M. Dell'Amico. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the double traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25: 41-55, 2013.
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J.-F. Côté, C. Archetti, M.G. Speranza, M. Gendreau, and J.-Y. Potvin. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks. Networks, 60:212-226, 2012.
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G. Erdoğan, M. Battarra, G. Laporte, and D. Vigo. Metaheuristics for the traveling salesman problem with pickups, deliveries and handling costs. Computers & Operations Research, 39:1074-1086, 2012.
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