An overview and analysis of BER for three diversity techniques in wireless communication systems


  • Dragan Mitić Institute for Telecommunications and Electronics, IRITEL A.D. Belgrade
  • Aleksandar Lebl Institute for Telecommunications and Electronics, IRITEL A.D. Belgrade
  • Branimir Trenkić Megatrend University Belgrade, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Belgrade
  • Žarko Markov Institute for Telecommunications and Electronics, IRITEL A.D. Belgrade



Diversity, Rayleigh fading channel, Selection Combining, Maximum Ratio Combining, Equal Gain Combining, bit error rate (BER), Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK)modulation


Characteristics of a wireless communication channel are subjected to a large scale deterioration process, referred to as the problem of fading. This paper discusses different techniques for mitigating the fading problems. One solution to the problem is to add a fading margin on the transmitter, but it is not an effective solution. The other solution is to use an alternative statistical behavior of fading channels (applying the basic concepts of diversity), which use two or more inputs on the receiver to ensure the correlation of signal. So, the diversity technique is used to improve system performance in fading channels. Instead of transmitting and receiving the desired signal through one channel, we have L copies of desired signal transferred over M different channels. This paper presents analytical results of the probability of error for diversity techniques which use Rayleigh Fading Channel for BPSK modulation.


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Research Articles