EPQ model for imperfect production processes with rework and random preventive machine time for deteriorating items and trended demand


  • Nita H. Shah Gujarat University, Department of Mathematics, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Dushyantkumar G. Patel Govt. Poly. for Girls, Department of Mathematics, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Digeshkumar B. Shah L. D. College of Engg., Department of Mathematics, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India




EPQ, deterioration, time-dependent demand, rework, preventive maintenance, lost sales


Economic production quantity (EPQ) model has been analyzed for trended demand, and units in inventory are subject to constant rate. The system allows rework of imperfect units, and preventive maintenance time is random. A search method is used to study the model. The proposed methodology is validated by a numerical example. The sensitivity analysis is carried out to determine the critical model parameters. It is observed that the rate of change of demand, and the deterioration rate have a significant impact on the decision variables and the total cost of an inventory system. The model is highly sensitive to the production and demand rate.


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