Some new models for multiprocessor interconnection networks


  • Dragoš Cvetković Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade
  • Tatjana Davidović Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade
  • Irena M. Jovanović Union University, School of Computing, Belgrade



spectra of graphs, tightness, interconnection networks, graph operation


A multiprocessor system can be modeled by a graph G. The vertices of G correspond to processors while edges represent links between processors. To find suitable models for multiprocessor interconnection networks (briefly MINs), one can apply tools and techniques of spectral graph theory. In this paper, we extend some of the existing results and present several graphs which could serve as models for efficient MINs based on the small values of the previously introduced graph tightness. These examples of possible MINs arise as a result of some well-known and widely used graph operations. We also examine the suitability of strongly regular graphs (briefly SRGs) to model MINs, and prove the uniqueness of some of them.


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