Extensions of P-property, R0-property and semidefinite linear complementarity problems


  • I. Jeyaraman National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Surathkal, India
  • Kavita Bisht Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Mathematics, Chennai, India
  • K.C. Sivakumar Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Mathematics, Chennai, India




linear complementarity problem, P-property, R-property, semidefinite linear complementarity problem, w-P properties, Jordan w-P property, Moore-Penrose inverse


In this manuscript, we present some new results for the semidefinite linear complementarity problem, in the context of three notions for linear transformations, viz., pseudo w-P property, pseudo Jordan w-P property and pseudo SSM property. Interconnections with the P#-property (proposed recently in the literature) is presented. We also study the R#-property of a linear transformation, extending the rather well known notion of an R0-matrix. In particular, results are presented for the Lyapunov, Stein, and the multiplicative transformations


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Research Articles