Measurement error effect on the power of control chart for Zero truncated Negative Binomial Distribution (ZTNBD)


  • A.B. Chakraborty St. Anthony’s College, Department of Statistics, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
  • A. Khurshid University of Nizwa, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Birkat Al Mouz, Oman
  • R. Acharjee St. Anthony’s College, Department of Statistics, Shillong, Meghalaya, India



power, Zero-truncated Negative Binomial Distribution (ZTNBD), measurement error, Average Run Length (ARL)


In the present article measurement error effect on the power of control chart for ZTNBD is investigated based on standardized normal variate. Numerical calculations are presented so as to enable an appreciation of the consequences of measurement errors on the power curve. To examine the sensitivity of the monitoring procedure, average run length is also considered.


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