On (λ,μ)- Zweier ideal convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy normed space


  • Vakeel A. Khan Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
  • Mobeen Ahmad Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India




Ideal convergence, Zweier Operator, (λ,μ)- convergence, intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces


In this paper, we study and introduce a new type of convergence, namely (λ,μ)- Zweier convergence and (λ,μ)- Zweier ideal convergence of double sequences x = (xij) in intuitionistic fuzzy normed space (IFNS), where λ = (λn) and μ= (μm) are two non-decreasing sequences of positive real numbers such that each tending to infinity. Furthermore, we studied (λ,μ)- Zweier Cauchy and (λ,μ)- Zweier ideal Cauchy sequences on the said space and established a relation between them.


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