Long step homogeneous interior point algorithm for the p* nonlinear complementarity problems


  • Goran Lešaja Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, USA




P*-nonlinear complementarity problem, homogeneous interior-point algorithm, wide neighborhood of the central path, polynomial complexity, quadratic convergence.


A P*-Nonlinear Complementarity Problem as a generalization of the P*-Linear Complementarity Problem is considered. We show that the long-step version of the homogeneous self-dual interior-point algorithm could be used to solve such a problem. The algorithm achieves linear global convergence and quadratic local convergence under the following assumptions: the function satisfies a modified scaled Lipschitz condition, the problem has a strictly complementary solution, and certain submatrix of the Jacobian is nonsingular on some compact set.


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