Generalized invexity and mathematical programs


  • Bhuwan Chandra Joshi Department of Mathematics, Graphic Era (Deemed to be) University, Dehradun, India
  • Rakesh Mohan Department of Mathematics, DIT University, Dehradun, India
  • Pankaj Mahila Maha Vidhyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India



Constraint Qualification, Duality, Generalized Convex Function


In this paper, using generalized convexity assumptions, we show that Mstationary condition is sufficient for global or local optimality under some mathematical programming problem with equilibrium constraints(MPEC). Further, we formulate and study Wolfe type and Mond-Weir type dual models for the MPEC, and we establish weak and strong duality theorems.


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