Unravelling the Assignment Problem Under Intuitionistic Triangular Fuzzy Environment by the Novel Heuristic Dhouib-Matrix-AP1
Operations research, combinatorial optimization, assignment problem, intuitionistic fuzzy set, Dhouib-Matrix, soft computingAbstract
The Assignment Problem (AP) can be stated as n activities to be assigned to n resources in such a way that the overall cost of assignment is minimized and each activity is assigned to one and only one resource. In real-life, the parameters of the AP are presented as uncertain numbers due to the lack of knowledge, experiences or any other (internal or external) factor. In this paper, the AP is considered under intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number and solved by the novel constructive heuristic Dhouib-Matrix-AP1 (DM-AP1) with a time complexity of O(n). Actually, this paper presents the first enhancement of the novel heuristic DM-AP1 to solve the AP under intuitionistic triangular fuzzy environment. DM-AP1 is composed of three simple steps: computing the total cost, selecting the highest value and finding the minimal element. These steps are repeated in n iterations with the use of a standard deviation statistical metric. Two case studies of AP under intuitionistic triangular fuzzy set are taken from the literature and a step-by-step application of the novel DM-AP1 heuristic is presented for more clarification.References
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