A New Analytical Approximate Solution of Fractional Coupled Korteweg-De Vries System
Fractional coupled Korteweg-de Vries equation, fractional partial differential equations, Mittag-Leffler function, nonlinear problems, approximate solutionsAbstract
The main objective of this work is to present a modification of the Mittag- Leffler function to deduce a relatively new analytical approximate method (for short MMLFM) able to solve time-fractional nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Moreover, we employ the MMLFM to solve the time-fractional coupled Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) model described by two nonlinear fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) based upon Caputo fractional derivative (CFD). The simulation of projected results is presented in some figures and tables. Furthermore, we compare our solutions when α = 1 with known exact solutions which indicate a good agreement, in addition, we compare our outcomes with the results obtained by other methods in the literature such as the Natural decomposing method (NDM) and homotopy decomposition method (HDM) in order to prove the reliability and efficiency of our used method. Also, we display solutions with different values of α to present the effect of the fractional order on the proposed problem. The results of this article reveal the advantages of the MMLFM, which is simple, reliable, accurate, needs simple mathematical computations, is rapidly convergent to the exact solution, have a straightforward and easy algorithm compared to other analytical methods to study linear and nonlinear FPDEs, which makes this technique suited for real industrial or medical applications.References
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