A Pythagorean Hesitant Fuzzy Programming Approach and Its Application to Multi Objective Reliability Optimization Problem
Parabolic Pythagorean fuzzy number, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy set, Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy aggregation operator, Multi objective reliability optimizationAbstract
Decision-making problems can often be effectively solved using traditional optimization methods that have a clearly defined configuration. However, in real-world scenarios, decision-makers frequently encounter doubt or hesitation, making it challenging to precisely specify certain parameters. As a result, they often seek input from different experts, leading to conflicting values and varying levels of satisfaction among decision-makers. This uncertainty and lack of crisp values make decision-making problems inherently non-deterministic. In this paper, a novel Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy (PHF) programming method is designed to address the challenges of optimization problems with multiple objectives. Here PHF aggregation operators are used to aggregate the PHF memberships and non-memberships of the objectives. Additionally, to account the uncertainties of the parameters of the optimization problem Parabolic Pythagorean fuzzy number is used and centroid method is applied for defuzzification. We solved an example of multi objective optimization problem of manufacturing system to demonstrate our proposed method and finally, presented a case study on reliability optimization model for Life Support Systems, where the primary objectives are to maximize system reliability and minimize cost. The result is compared with other existing methods by degree of closeness.References
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