A bicriterion Steiner tree problem on graph


  • Mirko B. Vujošević Laboratory for Operational Research, Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Milan Stanojević Laboratory for Operational Research, Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro




Steiner tree, bicriterion optimization, bottleneck problem, lexicographic method


This paper presents a formulation of bicriterion Steiner tree problem which is stated as a task of finding a Steiner tree with maximal capacity and minimal length. It is considered as a lexicographic multicriteria problem. This means that the bottleneck Steiner tree problem is solved first. After that, the next optimization problem is stated as a classical minimums Steiner tree problem under the constraint on capacity of the tree. The paper also presents some computational experiments with the multicriteria problem.


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